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    Sunday, November 1, 2020

    Crusader Kings I think they got lost, I admit I didn't expect to almost share a border with the Aztecs.

    Crusader Kings I think they got lost, I admit I didn't expect to almost share a border with the Aztecs.

    I think they got lost, I admit I didn't expect to almost share a border with the Aztecs.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 09:43 AM PST

    I did it! I wiped Catholicism from the face of the Earth. (You'll never guess what happens next!)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:06 AM PST

    Bring back the time limit on great holy wars (you had to wait 30 years in ck2). I keep getting crusaded 5 years after the previous is over and spend 60% of my time fighting them its incredibly boring repetitive and bad for performance.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:27 AM PDT

    I think I created a monster.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 03:38 AM PST

    So here's the thing. A LOONG time ago I gifted a copy of CK2 to a friend. Nothing came of it. Tried to show it to him but he wasn't interested.

    This year I thought CK3 had such an improvement on the interface than perhaps this would convince him to at least try it. So I gifted it to him and played a couple hours online teaching him the basics via Discord.

    His girlfriend got in the action too, they usually turn themselves. She plays one character, character dies, my friend plays the successor, and so forth. At first she liked playing with girls but didn't like the cruelty of the medieval schemes.

    Fordward in time a couple of weeks ago. I get the following message from his girlfriend

    "In order to ensure the right successor, we send a daughter to a convent, killed a son and a grandson and dishinerited a grandaugther. Today I became soulless (?)"

    I made a joke to her about turning to the dark side.

    And yesterday I went to bed at 23 hours, before turning off the computer I saw they were playing CK3. At 3 AM my cats woke me up, I checked stuff on my phone and saw they were still playing. Wrote a joke to them on our discord server.

    And now I just woke up. He answered my joke AT 6 A.M. Exolaining how they just finished because his girlfriends character lived up to 91, and his had to deal with a huge succession war with more than 100K rebels.

    Like the title said. I think I created a monster.

    submitted by /u/Sesshaku
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    Swedish War Elephtants?!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 06:13 AM PST

    Mabila, Queen of Egypt and Holy Roman Emperor, had a long and successful reign. The Empire she ruled from Qus expanded, and his subjects lived in peace and prosperity. When she died, the whole Empire mourned.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 04:15 AM PST

    You can't blame Bianca for not resisting the charm of this chad's chin

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 02:17 AM PST

    Ah shit, here we go again.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 06:29 AM PST

    I played a Bjorn 'Ironside' campaign all the way through(about 50 hours), one character being named Ragnar 'The Thunderbolt' that conquered the 12 surrounding kingdoms. I got into a norse culture phase of my life... and I just found the hbo show "Vikings". I don't know how to contain my excitement!

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:07 AM PST

    Ragnar fucking Lodbrok! I'm so damn pumped to binge this. I can't f'kin wait to see how this blue-eyed actor becomes a mega king of legend.

    This character made me fall in love with norse culture, history, and mythology. I spent hours after I finished the playthrough reading about the viking age up to stamford bridge. Now I learn there's a fairly recently made show chronicling their greatest, most legendary hero??? Fuck yeah, I'm in!

    My Ragnar's accomplishments if you're interested:

    Changed the Dynasty name to "Thorkin"(Kin of Thor) since many members had physique_good traits and I was going down the top row of dynasty traits. He had the thunderbolt title so it just fit.

    Herculean body

    held every virtuous trait of asatru(brave, vengeful, wrathful)

    conquered: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Sapmi, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Pomerania, Poland, Frisia, Ireland all in pieces over time. England and scotland were both invaded at age 60 together with Invade Kingdom CB used for scotland and holy war for kingdom CB against england. I ended the wars together and had 90/10 domain. Gave everything that was already asatru to family(with dynasty name), and mixed locals in between my families domain to help start converting the british isles to Asatru. Took 5 generations to complete.

    Put down several peasant revolts easily and brutally. Honestly, I lost count.

    Raided every county on the atlantic and mediterranean coasts, including Constantinople and Rome. 2 Byzantine Emperors(father and son) were sacrificed to Odin. Pope was ransomed once.

    Martial of 40+ at death

    Prowess of 70(before old age penalty) at death

    Army of over 50k at death

    Reformed Asatru near the end of his life with himself as the messiah, leaving an asatru equivalent of a caliphate to his son(s). I modded my game a bit to manipulate the virtues. Brave/Craven became great virtue/sins instead of regular. Made strong, giant, and herculean also virtues.

    Consecrated his bloodline, marking all his descendants as divine.

    Accomplished hunter

    Raided enough to raise Uppsala's development to 20 long before the next maximum was unlocked

    Died at 91 in the year 982, leaving 20 renown per month to his family henceforth(it fluctuated as cousins conquered cousins and lowered the independent ruler amount.

    Gave 12 crowns to 7 sons(5 of which were properly groomed and converted to the culture they were to rule) before and when he died. His main heir got 3 (sweden, denmark, england) through elective succession.

    Gave duchies and counties to 15 other grandsons via matrilinear marriages, and to the awesome champions of those marriages at times earned land from him too to hold in order to spread the domain out a bit.

    40k+ prestige at death

    10k+ piety at death, even after recently reforming

    15k gold at death, making succession very smooth

    submitted by /u/onfire9123
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    CK3 question: should I create Duchies as an Emperor?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 08:15 AM PST

    I inherited the HRE and have a huge list of possible Duchy titles to create. When I create a Duchy I have to give it to someone, since I already own 2 Duchy titles. All that seems to happen when I do this is lower my income. Is there some advantage I miss here? Or should I just stop creating Duchies?

    Edit: thanks for all the helpful replies!

    submitted by /u/OnheuseBejegenaar
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    are crusades broken or what?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 02:53 AM PST

    Concerning the veracity of CK3’s historic starting characters; Duke Robert ‘the Fox’ of Apulia

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    One of the longest and most thoroughly researched essays I wrote while pursuing my bachelor's degree in history was on Robert Guiscard (known in-game as Duke Robert the Fox of Apulia) and the actions/impacts of the de Hauteville dynasty in the Mediterranean Sea area. I had given Guiscard a good whirl in CK2, and quite enjoyed creating the Kingdom of Sicily through him and his successors, branching out over the Greek mainland, taking Crete, battling up the Italian peninsula, and south across the sea into Tunisia. I can't exactly recall his CK2 preset stats, attributes, or characteristics, however it's hard to forget the vivid description of him as written by Anna Komnene, the daughter of Byzantine Emperor Alexios I Komnenos.

    "This Robert was Norman by birth, of obscure origins, with an overbearing character and a thoroughly villainous mind; he was a brave fighter, very cunning in his assaults on the wealth and power of great men; in achieving his aims absolutely inexorable, diverting criticism by incontrovertible argument. He was a man of immense stature, surpassing even the biggest men; he had a ruddy complexion, fair hair, broad shoulders, eyes that all but shot out sparks of fire. In a well-built man one looks for breadth here and slimness there; in him all was admirably well-proportioned and elegant... Homer remarked of Achilles that when he shouted his hearers had the impression of a multitude in uproar, but Robert's bellow, so they say, put tens of thousands to flight."

    Now it wouldn't at all be good history to take Komnene exactly on her word for much of this, after all, this was a man who had fought against and defeated her father in battle) — a man cunning and/or clever enough to earn himself his sobriquet. Despite this, the physical description she gave of Guiscard is probably not too unreliable, given that she likely had no real incentive to report this in a slanted or unseemly way. It is certainly embellished, but still, by her description, Guiscard was a tall and robust northerner. Despite this, his in-game character model looks nothing like this. In-game, Guiscard is short (shorter than William the Conqueror), his hair is dark, his skin tone is olivey, and he lacks the strong and/or robust traits. Frankly, he should probably also start with the adventurer trait, given that Guiscard started his 'career', if you will, as the leader of a band of highwaymen. The game creators even acknowledge this in the little biographical description panel for Duke Robert when looking at the 1066 start character recommendations.

    My point in stating this is that I'm wondering why such great effort was put into giving Robert's spouse(s) and children all the right names, and their dynasty even impressively has the correct family motto, yet... he looks nothing like how he was historically described to have been. Why half-ass this? Would it really have been that much more effort to fit him with additional traits that we know would match how he very likely was in real life? Robert starts with the brave, ambitious, and strategist traits, which are definitely fitting and appreciable, but why leave out other traits he was described as having in real life?

    submitted by /u/KatsumotoKurier
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    Just Discovered this nice little detail with my Melancholic character, this is part of why I love this game

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:36 AM PST

    I underestimated CK3 as a storyteller game. The story created from this game is amazing!

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    I always feel like CK3 is a strategy game with a little mixed of RPG elements. But the story in my current play changed my mind.

    I played as a duchy in Bohemia, my character got two daughters. Since he was old without a son so I decided to make the eldest daughter to be my heir. But then I am being raided and she was taken as a hostage. Since money was scarce, I decided not to ransom her, and murder an old wife (the plot exposed but I can kill her) then took a new younger wife to make a new heir. Luckily the new wife gave me a son. I expected my daughter will die in the dungeon But she can stay alive, grew up in the dungeon and got released back to my court. Since I had a new heir, I married her with my courtier and completely forgot about her. Then the serial killer event fired in my court, I lost 5 courtiers before I can trace back to the killer which is my daughter! I was really surprised because she doesn't have an intrigue education. She had a shy and paranoid trait, not sadistic or lunatic. But I forgave her because I didn't want to execute my own kin. Shortly afterwards, my duke died and left the throne to a 6-year-old son. This troubled sister started bullying my new character and made him got a craven trait. Some bullying events happened, and he grew up became a rival with her. The last straw is when my dog went missing and the game showed that his sister was a suspect. I decided to plot murder against her but she died by cancer before I can make a plot. Then I checked on her family and found her son with a pet dog which he didn't have before. I didn't know whether this is my own dog. But my imagination ran wild, then her actions made sense to me.

    She came back to a court then found her mother was murdered by her father with the courtiers' support. She took revenge on the courtiers by murdering them. She hated her brother because he took her throne, her father's love and everything in her life. The fickle finger of fate punished her more with cancer. She decided to take the last revenge by killing what her brother loved the most, his dog. But she couldn't kill it, so she gave it to her son as her last gift.

    I think the game just randoms these events together. However, it created an incredible story and character. I have never expected that I will be emotional playing CK3.

    submitted by /u/a_sunray
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    Feature request idea: rejoining the main House from a Cadet branch

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:58 AM PST

    My successful Emperor of the Haesteinn Dynasty and House designated his grandson as heir. The house was well established and had a witch coven. When he died and I took over the Empire with his grandson, the new Emperor's father immediately created a cadet branch of the dynasty.

    My emperor had no choice and was sucked into the cadet branch. He also lost the dynasty head title to his weaker father. He also lost access to the witch coven, since that seems to be House based. I assassinated my own father for his indiscretions, but seem to have no recourse on rejoining the house.

    The choice to even start a witch coven does not even appear on the decisions screen for me (not even greyed out). I think it is ridiculous that the emperor and dynasty head had no choice or say in any of this. It would be nice to have a decision to potentially rejoin the main branch of a house to prevent this from happening.

    I realize that I could designate my next heir to be from the main Haesteinn house, but my current emperor already has several sons who look to have amazing potential.

    submitted by /u/Scorpius_Harvey
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    Just a map in 1287....

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    I'm afraid I can't let that happen France...

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:23 AM PDT

    TIL you can play as baron-tier vassals in merchant republics

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 04:37 AM PST

    Change all bowmen to crossbowmen?

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 07:36 AM PST

    So I just got the option to get crossbowmen; assuming I can afford it is there any reason not to just switch all bowmen to crossbowmen.

    Probably a dumb question, but I am very new!

    submitted by /u/TotalWarFest2018
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    One-Woman Army

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 01:45 AM PDT

    Somebody: Bubonic Plague in CK3 is not that scary. Bubonic Plague in CK3:

    Posted: 31 Oct 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    What is Old Saxon culture

    Posted: 01 Nov 2020 08:31 AM PST

    Hi, first post on reddit. What is old saxon culture, it appears on the wiki and in game when you use the filter and search for it but for whar I've seen doesn't show in game. I assume it will be for a DLC. Also is there any history information about it as it sounds interesting.

    submitted by /u/Photonicstorm
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