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    Crusader Kings Tutorial Tuesday : November 19 2019

    Crusader Kings Tutorial Tuesday : November 19 2019

    Tutorial Tuesday : November 19 2019

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:07 AM PST

    Tuesday has rolled round again so welcome to another Tutorial Tuesday.

    As always all questions are welcome, from new players to old. Please sort by new so everybody's question gets a shot at being answered.

    Feudal Fridays

    Tutorial Tuesdays

    Tips for New Players: A Compendium

    The 'On my God I'm New, Help!' Guide for beginners

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Good luck with that...

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 03:44 AM PST

    I'll take care of her alright!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 11:49 PM PST

    Dev Diary #4 - Development and Buildings

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:31 AM PST


    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 04:44 AM PST

    I used the Papacy to destroy the Papacy

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 02:13 PM PST

    Now that's what I call a power family

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 08:57 AM PST

    Jewish Rulers in CK2 should have Polygamy

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 08:32 AM PST

    While I had known for a long time that ancient Judaism permitted polygamy, today I found found out just how long the practice persisted. Despite constant attempts by the Romans, Byzantines and other rulers for centuries, Jews everywhere were religiously (if not legally) permitted to practise polygamy until around the 10th Century AD (and did so, despite repurcussions), when Ashkenazi rabbis banned the practice in response to Catholic pressure. Sepphardic Jews would eventually follow suit, although they enforced it far less stringently than the Ashkenazi.

    Most notably, however, the two preeminent Jewish powers on the map in CK2 (Semien and Khazars) both practised polygamy. In fact, Ethiopian and Yemenite Jews practised polygamy right up to the modern era, and still do practise it on occasion.

    As to the implementation... the important thing to recognise is that while polygamy was permitted, it was never encouraged as a standard. I would suggest that instead of the general Polygamy mechanic of punishing a powerful ruler for not having enough wives, Jews should instead suffer a small piety loss when they marry an extra wife, based on the number of wives they already have.

    It could also be done using the Concubinage system, by adding some restrictions to that, as Jewish "Pilagesh" fell somewhere between concubines and wives. Perhaps a Jewish King could not set his concubines aside, would be limited by interfaith marriage restrictions, and could not force imprisoned women into concubinage.

    This mechanic could be disabled for Jewish characters in Christian realms, to reflect the decline of the practice in Europe under Christian rule. It also opens up something to be tweaked for heresies, giving an opportunity to turn Karazite and Samaritan into something other than "Judaism without the option to restore Israel."

    If nothing else... Judaism really needs something to make it more interesting, gameplay-wise. As it currently stands, Judaism in CK2 is just Christianity without all the good bits taken out. This would give Jewish campaigns something interesting to play with, and put Judaism in an interesting and thematically appropriate spot at the crossroads of Christianity and Islam.

    submitted by /u/Lord_Sicarious
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    Alternate motto for CK3

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 12:41 PM PST

    1500 hours in, this is my best battle yet

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:32 AM PST

    thank you crusader Egypt this is enough to make a grown man cry

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 03:04 AM PST

    Am i doin this right?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 04:07 AM PST

    Why is the AI suicidal ?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 06:43 AM PST

    I swear to god it's like the AI is programmed to try and tank it's own dynasty as hard as possible, so much so that it's actually more difficult for me to try and keep my vassals' dynasties alive than it is to maintain my own.

    Like take Scotland for instance, I am playing as a long of England and I have just conquered enough land to create Brittania so I invite a descendant of the last Pictish king whose dynasty is on the brink of extinction, I find him a quick wife and grant him the kingdom of Scotland.

    The dud ends up dying and leaving a Genius daughter as queen, so who does this 16 yo queen choose as her husband ? The 15 year old Karling nephew of the Holy Roman Empire ? My 24 year old bastard who is strong and attractive ? How about the 30 yo Duke of Moray so her heirs could inherit the Ducky from him and cement her rule in Scotland ?

    Nope, she chooses a 57 year old syphilitic landless courtier and marries him in a normal marriage, not even matrilineal.

    I then turn my gaze south planning on seeking at least one province in Brittany in order to give it to a Norse courtier in hopes of it turning Norman, to my surprise I find that a random Norse adventurer ( a descendant of Rangnarr) has actually siezed control of a couple provinces in Normandy, all good till now right ? Nope, because guess what, the Norse Adventurer is actually Shia, and he turned his Norman provinces Shia as well as his holdings in Norway, he then proceed to get DPed in holy wars by the Karling on one side and the petty kings in Norway on the other, eventually wiping the last descendants of Ragnarr from the game as they get captured or killed by their enemies.

    So now I have created a sort of menagerie of nobles, inviting landless sons and daughters of the endangered unique dynasties of the game and more or less breeding them to make sure that no matter how suicudal the AI get, it never succeeds in destroying its dynasties.....then slow fever passed through my realm and all my efforts came to naught.

    submitted by /u/Iguesssowtfnot
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    My Kingdom of David run took an odd turn

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 06:02 AM PST

    Just a regular dinner with the fam

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 09:30 PM PST

    I'm worried my heir might be, uh, Tommy Wiseau

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 11:58 AM PST

    I'm childhood sweethearts with my sister

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 06:08 PM PST

    Monarch's Jounrey: Saad Mordechai Guide

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:34 AM PST

    First of all, I am loving the Monarch's Journey challenges. Its a fun new way to play the game, especially if you are like me and have already played hundreds of hours. I thought it would be fun to make a quick guide on how to knock out this challenge relatively quickly. So here goes:

    Secrets Stay With Me: Kill mongols, Muslims for points. This one must be done in the first ruler's lifetime, and he starts off pretty old so you should be quick about it. Its not hard at all. I did this by taking the seduction focus for a boost to intrigue and the attraction opinion. Next, I married a bunch of Muslim Mongolian women. Next, I plotted to kill them all. Rinse and repeat, four or five dead wives (depending on whether you are implicated) later, and the achievement is complete. You will have no lack of co-conspirators, especially if you seduce women with high intrigue and invite them to your court. I am sure this can be done several ways, but its always easier to kill people in your court, and all the ladies will want to help you out when they are your lovers.

    One of Us/Peace: The other two accomplishments can be done after your original ruler dies, so there is no rush. My first step was to use the Muslim conquest CB to become king of Iraq. You have a large demesne to start, and its really easy to pick off counties from counts and dukes within the empire. Once you have expanded and amassed power, it is time to make sure your kingdom has the religious title revocation law. You will most likely have several Buddhist vassals, and many of them will not like you because you conquered them, and you are most likely the wrong culture and religion. THIS IS GREAT. Let the hate flow through you. Now, you just need one Jew in your kingdom and it is game set match. Follow these easy steps to achieve both of the remaining achievements quickly and with ease.

    1. Get a jew in your court. Any male Jew will do. Sometimes they come as courtiers via a random event. Sometimes they come via the find physician decision. If you don't have one, its not a problem. Search the world for any unlanded Jew, there will be plenty. Buy a favor from him. If he doesn't like you enough to sell a favor, send him a gift of money, and then buy the favor. Use the favor to invite him to court. He won't join without the favor, because you are the wrong religion.
    2. Now that you have a jew in your court, start revoking all of the titles from your Buddhist vassals. Once you do this, revoke the lower titles from their counties: cities, temples, and baronies.
    3. Give your new Jewish buddy a county, and tick include lower titles. Because you gave him several titles at once, he will have 100 opinion of you.
    4. Click on your new Jewish count, and look at his court, he will have spawned Jewish courtiers to fill his council. Repeat step three with one of his courtiers. do this for all of the recently revoked counties. Make sure the courtiers you pick have at least 10 in a relevant skill other than religion, and make sure you have one who has one of each skill, these counts will be your councilors soon, so you need one with 10+ martial, one with 10+ intrigue, one with 10+ stewardship, and one with 10+ diplomacy .
    5. Now you have a realm full of Jewish counts who love you, accomplishing the Peace achievement. Distribute gifts and titles if you are short on vassals with a 60+ Opinion.
    6. Make your new counts your councilors to achieve the One Of Us achievement.
    7. Profit.

    There are many ways to accomplish this Monarch Challenge, but I found this route to be quick and easy, and fun to roll-play as well, being a secret Jew the whole time. If you want to continue your game, you now hold the most powerful kingdom in the middle easy, and can easily spread the Jewish faith to the holy land and rebuild the Great Temple.

    Good Luck and Have Fun!

    PS: Several times in my life I have been asked if it is offensive to call a Jewish person a Jew. I am Jewish. Calling a Jewish person a Jew is not offensive, unless your tone implies it is an insult.

    submitted by /u/Fustigata303
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    *Happy crusader noises* :3

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 11:14 AM PST

    I'm the EMPEROR

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 07:09 AM PST

    Just Suggesting a New Play Style to Everyone

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 10:40 PM PST

    Ever since I began frequenting this Sub a few years ago, I've noticed a theme in what is posted here. Regardless of what the content of the post is about half of them contains a character who is either, pagan (usually Germanic or Hellenic), immortal, the result of a successful eugenics program, a satanist, started in 867 or 769, has more than three powerful bloodlines, or controls half the world, or a mix of those qualities. It is not my intention to criticize the way people play this game, personally I could care less how people play their own game on their own time. I am merely trying to sell a play style I almost never see being used, playing small and spreading your dynasty without conquering outside of a predetermined boundary.

    I almost never go on a world conquest anymore, limiting yourself is more fun in my opinion. Instead I play the game how I believe it was intended to by played, spreading your dynasty to as many independent kingdoms as possible. The first time I did this I began as the duke of Portucale in 1066, the only lands I conquered were the lands required to form Portugal plus the Canaries and Tangier (what's Portugal without some African colonies?). It was probably the most interesting game I've ever played. It was a fun challenge having an army that is generally on equal footing with your opponent. It was definitely frustrating at times though, at one point I attempted to assist my brother, the Duke of Toledo , in fighting off a liberation revolt for Andalusia. My 6000 man army was crushed by the revolt which succeeded and took over all of Southern Iberia, destroying all of my progress. This eventually turned in to a sixty year long conflict with the Kingdom of Sicily over The Maghreb.

    My point is, staying within a boundary imposed by myself forced me to be more creative in how I played. I used strategies I've never used before. Doing a world conquest as an immortal satanist genius strong attractive horse loving sister fucking pagan Fylkir warlord can be fun, but in my experience it gets boring quickly. Playing this way allowed for creative role playing, which in my opinion is one of the best parts of the game. I've done several games like this since then, most recently I did a far more successful version of my Portugal game playing as the von Wittlesbachs, the historical kings of Bavaria (they start as the counts of Cham in 1066). It was a unique experience playing as a king in the HRE with my sole intention being to spread my dynasty through HRE and beyond Europe without ever leaving the boundaries of Bavaria (except when I became emperor).

    Playing small puts a unique spin on a game which most people treat as other Paradox games in which the goal is to become the greatest power on the map. CK2 is different though, in my belief, it's not about conquest and weird horse-human crossbreeds, it's about dynasties and religion.

    This ended up being a lot longer than I had intended it to be. My goal in writing this was not to change anyone's mind about how the game is supposed to be played, my goal was to avoid writing a lab report for my Physics class that I don't want to do. As I stated above I could care less how people play this game, I'm not trying to impose my will on anyone, nor am I criticizing anyone who likes to play the game as an immortal mother fucking god king who sleeps with horses and sends undesirable children off to China as eunuchs. All I want to do is expose people to a way of playing that can make it seem like a completely different game.

    I just feel I need to reiterate this one final time because people don't like to read large walls of texts. I am not criticizing how people play. I'll admit, it is fun to play as the the attractive equestrian king who is the lover of the satanist pope for some reason. I am merely trying to sell a different play style that for me made a seven year old game feel like something I've played for the first time.

    Nobody has to take this seriously, I honestly wrote this to get out of doing homework.

    submitted by /u/eitanaton
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    Is it possible to kill everyone?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 09:32 AM PST

    I know this question has been asked before, and the general consensus is that the game will start to generate new courtiers when too many people die; however, I have a scenario that I am curious as to what happens:

    Let's say that you have completed a no vassal world conquest as a horde or what not, and that you somehow made the world one faith and one culture to avoid any revolts. Now, through console let's say, you jail every character and execute them all at the same time. Will new people be generated? There isn't any realms they can go to.

    Firstly, without modding, this is far fetched and hypothetical. But if I am not mistaken, you could just forge a save file to have one character and have them own everything.

    submitted by /u/Sir_Ross
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    Am I missing anything for restoring Imperial borders? Can't figure it out

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 10:22 AM PST

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