• Breaking News

    Monday, November 11, 2019

    Crusader Kings A miracle, I see!

    Crusader Kings A miracle, I see!

    A miracle, I see!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 03:08 AM PST

    Ah yes, the famous Persia Persia Persian Empire Persia Persian Empire Persia!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 03:48 AM PST

    Holy See Horses

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 05:09 PM PST

    Its good to be king. I guess.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 11:27 PM PST

    Imagine throwing a spear through a battlefield and it impales 8 guys to a wall.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 09:40 PM PST

    One of my relatives, Eustratios, became an adventurer to push his claim on Britannia. After sitting around in Crete for a few months, his army slowly dying from consumption, his younger brother, Nikodemos, also decided to become an adventurer and claim Britannia. This was the result.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 09:01 AM PST

    They must really be scraping the barrel

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 12:33 PM PST

    [laughs in prosperity]

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 06:21 AM PST

    What is this, a crossover episode?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 06:52 AM PST

    the 12 year old doomer

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 09:31 PM PST

    Old gods and holy fury good. Sunset invasion bad.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:31 PM PST

    Oh what a bastard...

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:19 PM PST

    Married my son to a random princess.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 09:19 PM PST

    Now he's the first in line for the kingdom of Italy because his grandson is somehow the King of Italy?

    I have no idea how it happened but I'm all the way up in scotland currently.

    I'm proud of you son.

    submitted by /u/Galagors
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    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 11:20 AM PST

    Orthodox faith in CK3

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 05:36 AM PST

    So many years after the release of CK2 and we got no updates for the orthodox faith. Not even orthodox crusades. It's way more fun to play hellenic than orthodox at this point. Is there even a glimpse of hope for the faith in CK3? I am waiting for more dev diaries, maybe will get something but I doubt it.

    If they actually add something, what do you think they should add? I am hoping for more interaction with the patriarch. He is after all the Pope of the East. Or at least we could see the high ranking priests and the organisation of the church in general just like the catholics do now.

    submitted by /u/Bloodimir528
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    Nomad Aladdin - The True Dragon From the East

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 09:08 AM PST

    Young concubine-good concubine

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 12:54 AM PST

    Mediocre ruler becomes immortal, unites france and seduces every woman in paris. This is his tale

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 11:00 AM PST

    Mediocre ruler becomes immortal, unites france and seduces every woman in paris. This is his tale

    (Story below picture)
    TL;DR - From a pious knight with close to no martial capabilites to a master diplomat and decent knight. Gest became immortal after a bad case of pox, killed an immortal horse, made glitterhoof immortal, fucked glitterhoof and will continue to do so, got a bunch of children and still counting, found necronomicon and also became a famous scholar + eventually leader of hermetic society even tho he started with 5 learning.
    R5 - look at my babies, look at my lovers, look at them stats, look at the crazyness that is ck2 and having 10 incestous children, where 4 of them has the inbred trait and the rest have other disabilities. Also i wrote a general overview of his tale down below. Look at fun baby making fact section in the bottom aswell


    I present to you Gest the Noble. a man with many lovers, rivals and children enough to make the habsburgs worried.
    So our story begins after the christian reconquista of the northern part of west francia when a young queen dies and leaves her kingdom to a mediocre diplomat, in fact the only stat he had above 10 was his diplomacy of 15.

    However! Gest was determined to become a great ruler and focused all his efforts on uniting the northern counts and dukes in holy wars against the south. He had great success with carousing and feasting with his vassals, resulting in great relations with his powerful vassals and like a gift from god, the decadent muslim caliph died lost his grip and his empire was splintered into pieces! Leaving plenty of quarreling Emirs in france weak... Gest knew that in order to keep his popularity up and empower his kingdom, he had to take advantage of the situation and purge france of the muslim pretenders if he were to ever call himself a true christian knight like his legendary forefathers whom established bloodlines.

    War, Sickness, Mortality.
    And so Gest spend the next 20 years of his life reconquering duchy after duchy and converting the populace back to christianity. However other christian rulers had seen fit to take over french soil in Aquitaine, and Gest had become hungry with the idea of a French Empire. He asked the pope to grant him several claims on duchies in Aquitaine and burgundy, and when the south had been unified he marched east then north, taking a few duchies in the kingdom of Austrasia and expanding into holland and brabant. His kingdom was not even close to that of Charlemagne when Gest reached the age of 45 and his ambitions of a French Empire was close to gone. Gest had become a master diplomat and well trained warrior after his campaigns, however he had also caught a disease that took away all of his ambitions... He had gotten a bad case of pox, the nord mystic who served as the royal physician told Gest that he could not cure him and that Gest would have to live with the diesease for the rest of his life...
    Gest entered a time of depression and started contemplating death. He went crazy, became a lunatic and wrote poetry for a year until he had an idea! He was to summon his council and search for ways to achieve immortality, his trusty chancellor was put on the task and found a danish woman called idris. Together with idris, Gest gathered a fellowship that would go on a long journey to find the tree of life hidden in an ancient glade. Gest and the fellowship found the glade and Gest had to pay his companions a hefty sum to keep them away from the tree of life. Gest climbed the tree and picked off the single apple that hanged off of one of its branches, he climbed down, bit down on the apple and the fellowship burst into cheers.

    New ambitions

    With immortality achieved time started to move fast, atleast at first, Gest tried more experimental methods of medicine and was cured of his disease. Then Gest decided to study the stars, the planets and he wondered "Is there something...Strange out there?" He was praised by the hermetic society for his work and was later invited to join the ranks of their society. One time, when Gest was still a new member of the hermetics, he took to the middle east to search for artifacts when he came upon a strange man that was willing to sell him an even stranger book... after a long debate, the man revealed the book as " The Necronomicon" and Gest offered more money to get his hands on such a prize. He brought the Necronomicon home and started studying it... When Gest had become 70 years old he had become a master of knowledge, however he missed the touch of women, his wife had become old, grey and infirm.
    In this period of his wife's passing he decided to expand his kingdom in hopes of being recognized as worthy of being an emperor and so he joined a crusade to obtain prestige with other christian rulers. In the short span of 5 years he had gained the prestige, gold and power needed to form a new empire, for he did no longer want to remake Charlemagne's empire, He want to form his own empire... The Empire of Gest.
    However, the world wide prestige Gest had gained was not only positive... He received a letter, it was crudely written but clearly intelligent, it told hinted to the existence of another immortal and he was angry... This immortal was in fear that when Gest was discovered, he too would be exposed. The letter detailed that this mysterious immortal would arrive and burn Paris to ash and destroy Gest...

    6 months later...

    \Bell sounds** Paris was under attack, houses were burning as Gest rushed out of his bed and viewed paris in chaos from his balcony. Gest then heard movement, like a set of powerfull hooves moving across the floor, he turned around and saw a large majestic horse with shining eyes, smoke coming out of its nostrils, standing above Gests daughter who lies in a pool of her own blood.
    The mysterious horse being, revealed itself as the immortal that had earlier sent a threat. The horse announced that he was about to kill Gest, when Gest used his charisma and diplomatic skill to convince the immortal to stay his hooves. It felt like minutes but soon Gest and the immortal horse, named "Incitatus" had conversed for hours and Incitatus had lowered his guard and saw Gest as a potential friend... And it was at that moment that Gest looked to his daughter, still lying in a pool of her own blood, decided to use the chance to kill this immortal menace before it could bring more ruin to others.
    Paris was restored to order and the fires put out, however with Gests wife dead and his daughter murdered, his lust for the touch of another woman grew even bigger.

    The Great Babymaker

    So Gest started to look for a new and young wife, who could provide him with love... After finding such a lovely woman, the woman got pregnant and Gest rejoiced for he had forgotten the feeling of becoming a father after his last living son left him to become a holy knight. Reinvigorated with the feeling of love and the joy of being a father he decided he wanted more children and more wives, but god condemed those who would love more than one woman.
    Gest started to question god more than he already did after reading the Necronomicon and he decided that all women should be allowed to enjoy his immortal seed.

    Fun baby making facts
    - Married one of my lowborn lovers, had babies with her, she had apparently cheated on me so i divorced her and sent her to a monastery, 20 years later i seduced her again and had another 3 children with her.
    - While i had close to 10 lovers and a wife, they all started to blackmail me about my other lovers.... Bitches be greedy amirite?

    submitted by /u/Thekillingbear
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    Can you even call yourself England anymore?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 06:56 AM PST

    im happy

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 09:30 AM PST

    My first act as king will be to burn grandma!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 01:56 AM PST

    You ok Guy?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 01:24 PM PST

    Ah yes, the feared Khaganate of Lowborn, scourge of the landed nobility, horde of the unwashed masses

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 11:31 AM PST

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